Frequently asked questions

General Dentistry

Toothaches happen when the central portion of the tooth, the pulp, becomes inflamed. The pulp contains nerve endings that are highly sensitive to pain. Inflammation to the pulp can be caused by various reasons such as cavities, trauma, and infection. There’s a chance it could be infected and if left untreated it can lead to bigger health problems beyond the affected tooth. It’s important that if your tooth aches you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

Tooth fractures can range from minor (involving chipping of the outer tooth layers called enamel and dentin) to severe (involving vertical, diagonal, or horizontal fractures of the tooth and/or root). Enamel and dentin are the two outer protective layers of the tooth.

Phase II treatment is normal orthodontic treatment which involves placing braces on the patient once his or her permanent teeth have erupted. The braces straighten the permanent teeth and finish correctly aligning the patient's jaw.

Pediatric Dentistry

Choosing a toothbrush. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush designed for brushing an infant’s or child’s teeth.
Holding a toothbrush. If the child has trouble holding a toothbrush, try making the handle thicker by putting it inside a tennis ball. The toothbrush handle can also be strapped to the child’s hand with a wide rubber band, a hair band, or Velcro. Toothbrushes with thick handles can also be found in retail and discount stores.
Teaching the child how to brush. Break the process into small steps that the child can understand and practice. Ask a dentist, dental hygienist, occupational therapist, or early childhood specialist for help, if needed. Another way is to place a hand over the child’s hand to guide the toothbrush as the child brushes.
Using toothpaste with fluoride. Use toothpaste with fluoride that the child likes and that feels good in his or her mouth. An adult should always place toothpaste on the toothbrush.
For children under age 3: Use a small smear of flouride toothpaste (or an amount about the size of a grain of rice).
For children ages 3–6: Use a pea-size amount of flouride toothpaste.
If a child cannot spit: Have the child tilt his or her mouth down so that the toothpaste can dribble out into the sink, a cup, or a washcloth. Since the fluoride in toothpaste is clearly meant to be swishes but not swallowed, make sure to help or watch the child while brushing. When she is old enough, tell her to spit out the toothpaste after brushing.
Positioning the child. There are many ways a child can be positioned to make the child feel comfortable and allow an adult to brush his or her teeth.
Keeping the child engaged in brushing. Use a timer, a short song, or counting as a game to encourage brushing for 2 minutes.

Even adults can need orthodontic treatment. Many orthodontists say kids should see an orthodontist once their permanent teeth start coming in, around age 7. At this age, issues such as uneven bite and overcrowding will become apparent. Starting the process early doesn't mean a child will get braces right away.

Get your children in the habit of eating as few snacks as possible. ... Brush teeth immediately after consuming the snack if possible. Avoid sugary foods that linger on the teeth. Lollipops, hard candies, cough drops, and mints all contribute to tooth decay because they continuously coat the teeth with sugar.

Unlike treating a disease with a known cause and having the ability to select a therapy that cures that disease, orthodontics is limited to managing the irregularity of teeth. In simple terms, orthodontists are able to straighten your teeth, but we really have little idea how or why they went crooked in the first place. In fact, many of the dental traits that have been labeled orthodontic problems are merely examples of normal human variation.

Not all teeth grow straight, and this can cause unpreventable tooth problems including crooked, overlapping, and overcrowded teeth, which potentially all necessitate braces. Around 15 percent of children have a malocclusion that actually handicaps their ability to chew correctly or causes them discomfort or pain.
Jaw problems such as malocclusions, which cause the sizes of the top and bottom jaw to be different, may also lead to a need for braces.
Treatment should be sought for these children as early as possible. Some malocclusions can even be disfiguring to a point of making things difficult for a child in school, in forming relationships, and even in securing employment when they are older.
Generally, braces are often recommended for hygienic or cosmetic reasons as well.

Surgical extraction of teeth

Nerve damage is a rare, but possible complication of wisdom tooth extraction. It causes numbness, tingling, or other changes in sensation in areas controlled by the damaged nerve. Nerve damage is discussed often in wisdom tooth extraction, but rarely occurs.


Orthodontic treatment

There should be minimal pain when braces are applied to the teeth. It may take you longer to eat meals the day you have them applied to your teeth, as you'll need to adjust to chewing. It's best to stick with softer foods for the first few days, such as yogurt, soup, and macaroni and cheese.

The ideal age varies from child to child but, for some, it can be as young as eight. The average age for having braces is 11 - but the right age for your child really depends on their physiological development and treatment needs.

It’s crucial that you make an appointment with an experienced orthodontist as soon as possible if you think your child’s teeth need straightening.

If your child has crowded, misplaced or protruding teeth it will be obvious that your child could benefit from orthodontic treatment. But there are a number of other less obvious signs that could indicate they need treatment.

An early check-up may spot problems with jaw growth and give you the chance to correct harmful oral habits.

Braces can provide adults the same benefits children receive. However, treatment may take longer than it does for children. The average adult wears braces for 18 months to three years. As with children, adults may need to wear a retainer to maintain the results of treatment after braces are removed.

Today's "braces" are made of many different materials. Metal brackets are typically made of stainless steel. Clear braces are made of either porcelain or plastic. Aligners (Invisalign) are made out of polypropylene plastic. Modern wires are made from stainless steel, nickel titanium, molybdinum, copper, and traces of many other rare metals. The o-rings and chains used to tie it all together are made of rubber, latex, or vinyl. If you have allergies to any of these materials, be sure and mention it to your orthodontist at your first visit so that he can help you select the brackets, wires, and ligatures best suited for your medical condition.

The short answer? They won’t.

Whether you or your child participate in sports, theatre, choir or band, braces will not get in the way of those activities. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be some adjustments.

Braces change a lot of aspects of your life — from eating to how you brush your teeth — but in the end it’s all for the better because once those braces are off, you are left with a beautiful smile.

Dental implants

Dental implants are the next best thing to your healthy, natural teeth. Strong and stable, a dental implant restores a lost tooth so that it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth when implanted by an experienced implant dentist. Other options such as dentures or bridges can lead to bone deterioration, and may interfere with eating, smiling, speaking and other activities of everyday life.

Nearly anyone in good health whose jaw has finished growing can get dental implant, whether they were simply born without a tooth or lost one or more teeth due to injury, decay, gum (periodontal) disease, infection or another reason. Dental implants also are a great option for patients who don’t want the drawbacks of, or can no longer wear, removable dentures. The best way to determine if you are a candidate is to see a dental implant expert.

If you have any of the following conditions, dental implant therapy may not be for you.

  • Conditions that affect the body's ability to heal and repair itself may have a negative effect on the placement and health of an implant. Persons with diseases (such as diabetes) that are not under control are not good candidates for dental implants because the uncontrolled disease keeps the body from healing itself normally. However, a diabetic person under proper control by a doctor could be treated successfully with implants.
  • Other diseases such as leukemia or hyperparathyroidism (abnormal activity of the parathyroid glands) also may affect the outcome of implant treatment. Persons who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer should not have treatment procedures that are advantageous but not urgent such as dental implants) until cancer treatment is completed and the doctor says it is safe to proceed. If you have any questions about how your general health might affect dental implants in your mouth, you and your dentist should discuss this with your doctor.
  • Women who are pregnant should not undergo any treatment such as dental implants until after the first three months of their pregnancy. It is best to wait until after delivery to start dental implant treatment.
  • People with psychiatric disorders such as chronic depression or personality changes requiring treatment, or people undergoing severe emotional stress, should avoid situations that may complicate or disturb their lives. Dental implant therapy may place additional stress on persons who are unable to tolerate it. As with other diseases, open discussion of the problem should involve the patient, dentist, and doctor before implant treatment is considered.
  • To keep the bone and gums around dental implants healthy, you must carefully clean the implants. This means that you must be able to handle a toothbrush, dental floss, or other cleaning tools to remove food and plaque. Persons with severe arthritis or other handicaps that affect the hands and arms may not be good candidates for implant treatment.
  • At initial consultation, following full discussion of all possible alternatives, the dentist will assess the feasibility of providing implant treatment. X-rays will be taken and models of the teeth prepared. A written treatment plan will then be formulated detailing the sequence of treatment and associated costs.
  • Implant placement is a relatively simple minor surgical procedure that can be performed under sterile conditions in a dental surgery. The treatment is performed under local anaesthesia with sedation if required. If, during assessment, the underlying bone is deemed deficient, a number of options are available for bone regeneration. Bone regeneration is carried out prior to or at the same time as implant placement depending on requirements.
  • Implants can take from six weeks to six months to fuse with the patient’s bone. During this integration period, temporary dentures or bridgework can be worn as appropriate. In some cases, temporary teeth can be fixed to the implants while they integrate in a process known as ‘immediate loading’.
  • Once integrated, the implants can be brought into function with a variety of new teeth options (definitive restorations) ranging from a single crown, small or large bridge or a removable overdenture. A dental technician who works closely with the dental surgeon constructs these definitive restorations.
  • Following completion of implant treatment, the patient must regularly and thoroughly clean the new teeth (restorations) as instructed by their dentist. A dental hygienist may also advise on care and maintenance of the restorations and natural teeth. Regular visits to your dentist are essential so that the health of the soft tissue, bone levels and the integrity of the restoration can be reviewed.
  • You will have a beautiful, healthy smile. One that restores not only missing teeth but your confidence as well. If you need a single implant, it can be matched to the surrounding teeth and if you need a full arch, your implants can be designed to make the most of your smile.
  • You will never have to take out your teeth or adjust them. Unlike dentures, implants are permanent restorations that offer convenience and freedom. You even brush them and floss around them, just like you would your natural teeth.
  • You will maintain your bone health. When a tooth is lost, the root that stimulates the jaw bone is lost as well. This begins a process of bone resorption that continues indefinitely and over time, and will affect your facial structure. Dental implants halt this process because their titanium posts act as a substitute for the tooth root, thereby preserving healthy bone density levels.
  • Advanced technology has made this dental surgery a predictable success. Implants are planned with precision and placed with accuracy, using x-rays, design software, and surgical guides.

If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots. Implant-supported full bridges and dentures also are more comfortable and stable than conventional dentures, allowing you to retain a more natural biting and chewing capacity. In addition, because implant-supported full bridges and dentures will replace some of your tooth roots, your bone is better preserved.

Dental implants are typically made of titanium, a biocompatible material that is accepted by the body and serves as a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. Your natural bone locks the implant into place by fusing, or attaching itself, to the implant. This process, known as osseointegration, gives teeth replaced using implants the stability and strength to support replacement teeth, withstand daily use, and function like regular teeth. Dental implant surgery is one of the safest and most predictable procedures in dentistry when performed by a trained and experienced dental implant dentist. A dental implant is the strongest device available to support replacement teeth, and it allows your replacement teeth to feel, look and work naturally. In addition, dental implants are the only restoration method that stimulates your natural bone underneath the missing tooth.

Most dental implant patients say the procedure doesn’t hurt and the discomfort is minimal. Plus, implants are popular because they give patients a natural, lasting smile, allowing them to live and eat without holding back. You’ll be comforted to know that placing an implant is easier than taking a tooth out. Usually a local anesthetic is used, which means you are awake during the surgery. You shouldn’t feel any pain during the surgery, especially if it is done with healthy tissue. Also, the bone where the implant is placed does not have many pain-sensing nerves. But if you’re very nervous about the surgery, you have sedative options to make you more comfortable during the operation.

Dental implant surgery is usually an outpatient surgery performed in stages: Your damaged tooth is removed. Your jawbone is prepared for surgery, a process that may involve bone grafting. After your jawbone heals, your oral surgeon places the dental implant metal post in your jawbone. In stage 2, the artificial root is placed in the bone and allowed to heal. The procedure itself takes 1 to 3 hours and the healing time is 3 to 6 months.

Dental implants are truly remarkable developments in dental technology because they offer so many benefits. Although we can’t guarantee the survival of your implants, we do know that dental implants can last a lifetime, with proper care. Most will last 20 years or more, and some have lasted nearly 50 years.

  • Dental implants aren’t a quick fix. Multiple steps are involved—including waiting up to six months for the implant to fuse with the jawbone, a process called osseointegration.
  • The gum around the implant can be infected by bacteria, triggering periimplantitis, a periodontal disease that can result in bone loss.
  • If your jawbone is weakened by osteoporosis, for instance, the surgeon may graft bone onto the weakened portion. Your sinus cavity may also have to be lifted (sinus elevation) if it’s enlarged and pushing into the area that needs a bone graft.

Dental implants are customized for your mouth. An experienced implant dentist knows that no two patients or their dental implant treatments are exactly alike, so the number of appointments, procedures - and costs will vary accordingly. A dental implant may even cost less than other tooth replacement options. Because a dental implant typically lasts longer if you use a dental implant dentist who has proven skills, education and training. For example, dental implants typically cost less than a dental bridge long term because a bridge has higher maintenance costs.

There are many options where to get dental implant treatment.  Make sure to choose a dental clinic with dental implant experts with many years of experience and transparent procedure of sterilization.

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